About Our Work in the Workplace
Whether your organisation is a government, non-government or private enterprise, restorative practice helps workplaces build and maintain positive relationships among staff and transform conflict when it occurs.
Workplace conflict and bullying costs $250 million New Zealand dollars every year. Implementing a restorative approach provides both employers and employees the knowledge and tools to transform conflict and eradicate bullying. It also complies with the employment Acts.
What we can Provide for Workplaces
Partnering to build a restorative culture within workplaces
We partner with organisations to bring about positive social cohesion and resilience through a whole organisational stepped process. Creating workplace values, team-building, aspirational workplace culture, problem solving, conflict transformation.
Opportunities for workplace discussion through Restorative Circles
We facilitate Restorative Circles, a proven tool to build and maintain relationships and address conflict / bullying. A circle can be used between two or more people in for problem solving, developing new ideas, introducing new policies, addressing and transforming conflict/bullying.
Provision of conflict transformation service
We offer a formal restorative facilitation service to assist staff and management to transform conflict in the workplace.
Provision of restorative practice learning opportunities
We provide opportunities for individuals and organisations to learn about restorative practice such as the philosophy, language and tools through either one-on-one or group sessions, presentations, workshops or conferences.
See What We Can Do For You
We would be happy to visit your workplace and discuss how we can help you.
Thank you for being such wonderful facilitators. Your calmness, warmth and great listening skills turned something very difficult into a positive experience.
All good. It was a good way to clear the air before I leave. It’s a great way of solving conflicts. I’m glad I did it. Thank you.
I was really pleased to hear two of my staff wanted to have a restorative meeting. I met with them both separately to hear their stories and to let them know what would happen when they came together. The actual meeting only took half an hour and was very positive. Afterwards, the staff member who had been harmed felt as if a load had come off her shoulders and she could concentrate on work again. The staff member who had caused harm was so grateful for being able to express her remorse and explain what was going on for her. This could have grown into something much larger and more difficult to resolve, however didn’t take long with a restorative approach and even more important the staff relationships are much improved.”