About Our Work in Education

It is never too early for children to learn to relate to each other with dignity, respect, be accountable for their actions and to understand how their actions impact on others.

This is a positive initiative for today’s children growing up with the restorative philosophy and becoming our future leaders of a healthy and thriving community.

What do we Provide for Early Learning Centres?

The Ministry of Education’s ‘Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) – Incredible Years’ programme works with parents of children aged 3-8 to better handle behavioural problems.

Link: http://pb4l.tki.org.nz/Incredible-Years-Parent

In addition to this programme, there is a great passion from teachers in the 0-5 age group who believe a restorative approach can be adapted to that level.  If children are able to talk about and listen to other children talk about “good choices” and “bad choices” they will grow to be resilient adults.

Here, Jackie Hall, manager of Hundred Acre Pre-School talks briefly about using a restorative approach for 3-4 year olds.

Young children are sponges and act out the behaviours they are shown by adults.  When teachers model respectful relationships amongst themselves, children are exposed to and reap the benefits of healthy relationships in their centre.

We can work with early learning centres and Kohanga Reo to implement restorative practice amongst staff.  When staff experience collegial rather than adversarial relationships, they become more engaged and happier in their work and creativity flourishes.  Centres become calm and happy places for children to spend their days.

What about Schools?

The Whanganui Restorative Practices Trust is highly encouraged by the Ministry of Education’s ‘Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) – Restorative Practice’ programme which contributes to increasing academic achievement and lowering suspensions in schools.

Link: http://pb4l.tki.org.nz/PB4L-Restorative-Practice

We wholly support this pioneering work.

Here a senior student at Wanganui Girls College shares her perspective on restorative practice.


Education News

Exciting Learning Opportunity

We are thrilled to be offering our one-day Introduction to Restorative Practice Workshop to the Whanganui community on a Saturday this year. If you are a member of a team, community group or family, this workshop will show you how Restorative Practice offers a...

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Restorative Practice is Learning & Connecting

"I want more" "Keep RP Alive" "Amazing" Just some of the responses from participants completing the two day "Formal Restorative Practice Facilitation" workshop with Margaret Thorsborne. Participants came from a diversity of organisations such as health, local...

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